3.4.2 Mounting. Switch shall be operable when mounted in any attitude.
3.4.3 Stationary contact members and terminals. Stationary contact members and terminals shall be
of such construction to meet the requirements of the specification. When terminals and contact members
are separate pieces they shall be joined in a secure manner. All terminals shall be external and shall be
treated to facilitate soldering. Silver plating shall not be used. Gold plating is allowable up to a thickness
of .000030 inch to .000100 inch.
3.4.4 Cap. A cap of insulating material shall be fixed on the end of the actuating lever so that it cannot
be readily removed and shall not rotate relative to the switch.
3.4.5 Electrical ratings. As specified (see 3.1).
3.4.6 Screw threads. Screw threads shall be as specified on the specification sheet.
3.4.7 Pure tin. The use of pure tin, as an underplate or final finish, is prohibited both internally and
externally. Tin content of switch components and solder shall not exceed 97 percent, by mass. Tin shall
be alloyed with a minimum of 3 percent lead, by mass (see 6.3.6)
3.5 Performance.
3.5.1 Actuating force. When switches are tested as specified in 4.7.3, the actuating force shall be
within the limits specified (see 3.1)
3.5.2 Actuating lever travel. When switches are tested as specified in 4.7.4, the actuating lever travel
shall be as specified.
3.5.3 Strength of actuating lever pivot, lever stop and cap. When switches are tested as specified in
4.7.5, there shall be no breakage of the cap or body, loosening or rotation of terminals or other damage to
the switch.
3.5.4 Strength of terminals. When switches are tested as specified in 4.7.6, there shall be no short
circuit, breakage, loosening, rotation of terminals or other damage to the switch.
3.5.5 Electrical overload. When switches are tested as specified in 4.7.7, there shall be no electrical or
mechanical damage.
3.5.6 Electrical endurance. When switches are tested as specified in 4.7.8, switch contacts under test
shall open and close the circuit in proper sequence during each cycle of the switch actuating member.
3.5.7 Temperature rise. When switches are tested as specified in 4.7.9, the temperature rise shall not
exceed 30 degree Celsius (°C).
3.5.8 Dielectric withstanding voltage. When switches are tested as specified in 4.7.10, the switches
shall withstand the application of the specified voltages without arcing, flashover, breakdown of insulation,
or damage; there shall be no current leakage in excess of 1 milliampere.
3.5.9 Vibration. When switches are tested as specified in 4.7.11, there shall be no separation of
closed contacts or closure of open contacts having a duration exceeding 10 microseconds. There shall
be no evidence of damage.
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