3.8 Recycled, recovered, or environmentally preferable materials. Recycled, recovered, or
environmentally preferable materials should be used to the maximum extent possible provided that the
material meets or exceeds the operational and maintenance requirements, and promotes economically
advantageous life cycle costs.
3.9 Workmanship. Switches shall be processed in such a manner to be free from cracked or displaced
parts, sharp edges, burrs, and other defects which will affect life, serviceability, or appearance.
4.1 Classification of inspection. The inspection requirements specified herein are classified as follows:
a. Materials inspection (see 4.3).
b. Qualification inspection (see 4.5).
Inspection requirements for category II and category III switches (see 4.6).
d. Periodic inspection (see 4.7.2).
4.2 Test equipment and inspection facilities. Test and measuring equipment and inspection facilities of
sufficient accuracy, quality, and quantity to permit performance of the required inspection shall be
established and maintained by the supplier. The establishment and maintenance of a calibration system
to control the accuracy of the measuring and test equipment shall be in accordance with NCSL Z540-2,
ISO 10012, or equivalent system as approved by the qualifying activity.
4.3 Materials inspection. Materials inspection shall consist of verification that the materials listed in
table I used in fabricating the switches, are in accordance with the applicable referenced specifications or
requirements prior to such fabrication.
TABLE I. Materials inspection.
Applicable specification
ASTM D 5948-96
Solder Flux
4.4 Inspection conditions. Unless otherwise specified herein, all inspections shall be performed in
accordance with the test conditions specified in the general requirements of MIL-STD-202.
4.5 Qualification inspection (category I switches, see 3.1, and 3.3). Qualification inspection shall be
performed at a laboratory acceptable to the Government (see 6.3), on sample units produced with
equipment and procedures normally used in production.
4.5.1 Sample. For qualification inspection, the sample size shall be as specified in table II and the
appendix to this specification. The sample units which have been subjected to qualification inspection
shall be forwarded to the preparing activity.
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