1. Dimensions are in inches.
2. Unless otherwise specified, tolerances are ±.005 (.13 mm) for three place decimals and ±.03 (.8 mm) for two place
3. Metric equivalents are given for general information only.
4. Unit mounts in panels from .031 (.79 mm) to .19 (4.8 mm) thick.
5. A .174 (4.42 mm) thick spacer is supplied with each switch unit. Spacer places switch mounting flange flush with
top of overlay panel. Spacer to be used only for edge-light panels, discard otherwise.
6. Mounting sleeve shall not exceed .760 (19.30 mm) square and shall be reversible to accommodate edge-light
panel requirements.
7. Pushbutton designed to prevent incorrect insertion into switch housing.
8. Exact shape of switch optional provided dimensions specified are not exceeded.
9. Available area for legend illumination is .53 square for display type W and .48 square for display type S.
FIGURE 1. Design and construction - Continued.