4.7 Inspection for performance.
4.7.1 Voltage drop. To determine conformance to 3.3.1, the switch shall be energized by a 28 V dc
source and connected to the rated loads specified on the applicable drawing (see 3.2). Measure the
terminal-to-terminal voltage. Verify that the voltage drop is not greater than 150 millivolts.
4.7.2 Overload. To determine conformance to 3.3.2, the switch shall be energized by a 28 V dc
source and connected to loads 40 percent greater than rated (lamp, resistive, and inductive) loads. The
switch shall be operated for 100 cycles at each specified load. For lamp loads, the load cycle shall be
1 0.1 second "on" and 5 + 0.1 seconds "off" (10 cycles per minute). The inductive load shall be 3 ± 0.1
seconds "on" and 3 + 0.1 seconds "off (10 cycles per minute). After cycling is completed test the switch
as specified in 4.7.1.
4.7.3 Endurance. To determine conformance to 3.3.3, the switch shall be energized by a 28 V dc
source and connected to the rated loads specified on the applicable drawing (see 3.2) and operated for
50,000 cycles. During testing, the switch shall show no evidence of malfunction. After the 50,000- cycle
operation, measure the terminal-to-terminal voltage. Verify that voltage drop is not greater than 500
millivolts. Mount the switch as in 4.7.5. Verify that the torque required to operate the switch after the
50,000-cycle operation is not less than 30 ounce-inches.
4.7.4 Dielectric strength. To determine conformance to 3.3.4, the switch shall be tested as specified
in MIL-STD-202, Method 301. Applied voltage shall be 1000 V raw at a frequency of 60 cycles per
second with the switch lever in each of its "on" and off" positions. The voltage shall be increased 400 V
per second between terminals and between insulated terminals and ground for one minute on each
application. Verify that there is no evidence of burning, charring, loosening, arcing or other damage to the
4.7.5 Torque. To determine conformance to 3.3.5, the switch shall be secured to a fixture simulating
mounting as in intended use and fitted with an operating lever, then tested as follows:
a. A force shall be applied to produce the torque required to move the switch from "on" or "off"
position as in intended use. The operating torque shall be the average of five
measurements of the torque applied for each direction of movement from each position.
Verify that the torque is not less than 30 nor more than 70 ounce-inches.
b. With the lever turned to each extreme position a force shall be applied in the direction
affording maximum leverage such that a torque load of 3 foot-pounds is applied to the
switch. This load shall be applied gradually five times for each lever position and held for at
least 10 seconds. Verify that the switch evidences no breakage, distortion, or loosening of
parts. After testing for both operating torque and maximum torque, verify that the voltage
drop requirement is maintained by testing as specified in 4.7.1.
4.7.6 Terminal strength. To determine conformance to 3.3.6, the switch shall be mounted as in
intended use and a force of 25 pounds shall be applied at the base of all terminals in four directions
perpendicular to the longitude centerline of the terminals at 90 intervals. In addition a 25 pound pull shall
be applied along the terminal axes centerline. Force and pull shall be applied for 10 seconds each. Verify
that there is no evidence of damage, distortion or loosening of parts. Subsequently the switch shall be
tested per 4.7.1 and 4.7.4 to verify that voltage drop and dielectric strength requirements are maintained.
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