TABLE II. Order of first article tests.
Sample number
Paragraph number
Test sequence
Voltage drop
Terminal strength
Shock resistance
Vibration resistance
1 and 2
Voltage drop
Fungus resistance
Dielectric strength
Voltage drop
Voltage drop
Torque voltage drop
Voltage drop
3 and 4
Temperature resistance
Salt spray resistance
Dielectric strength
Voltage drop
Dielectric strength
5 and 6
Sand and dust resistance
Dielectric strength
4.7.7 Shock resistance. To determine conformance to 3.3.7, the switch shall be mounted and
electrically connected in a fixture to simulate mounting in intended use. Subject the switch to three
sawtooth shock pulses of 50 g peak amplitude of 7 ms duration in each of three major axes for a total of
18 shock pulses. One axis shall be through or parallel to the plane of contact movement and the lever
when in "off" position. This teat shall conform to MIL-STD-202, method 213. The shock-testing apparatus
shall be constructed with a non-yielding base and a stationary anvil. Verify that there is no evidence of
electrical or mechanical malfunction during and after this shock test.
4.7.8 Vibration resistance. To determine conformance to 3.3.8, the switch shall be mounted and
electrically connected as in intended use and subjected to the vibration test specified in method 201 of
MIL-STD-202, except that vibration shall be for one hour along each of three mutually perpendicular axes,
one of which shall be through or parallel to the switch shaft. Verify that there is no evidence of electrical
or mechanical malfunction. Subsequently the switch shall be tested for operating torque per 4.7.5(a) and
for voltage drop per 4.7.1.
4.8 Environmental conditions. The switch shall be tested per 4.7.1 after exposure to the
environmental tests listed herein.
4.8.1 Salt spray resistance. To determine conformance to 3.4.1, the switch shall be tested as
specified in MIL-STD-202, method 101, except that the test duration shall be 200 hours. A 5 percent salt
solution shall be used.
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