Dimensions and configurations: See figure 1.
Enclosure design: 2 (dusttight).
Temperature characteristic: 1 (-55°C to +85°C).
Shock type: (50 g's sine wave) method 213, test condition A, MIL-STD-202.
Sinusoidal vibration grade: 1 (10 to 500 Hz).
Weight: 0.40 pound maximum.
Operating characteristics:
Total plunger travel: .085 ±.015 inch.
Operating force: 4 ±1 pounds.
Strength of actuator means: 25 pounds.
Terminal strength: 5 pounds.
Finish: Shall be corrosion resistant, black and lusterless.
Dielectric withstanding voltage:
Sea level: 1,000 V rms; 1,000 V rms between all terminals and mounting plate and 200 V rms
between all terminals following electrical endurance.
Mechanical endurance: 50,000 cycles.
Electrical endurance: 25,000 cycles.
Electrical ratings: See table I.
Sand and dust: Applicable.
Low level circuit: Applicable when specified (see table III).
Electronic logic circuit (5.o V dc, .010 ampere): Applicable when specified (see table III); 25,000 cycles
at an actuation rate of 120 cycles per minute maximum with no "stick", or "misses", allowed when tested
in accordance with ANSI/ECA RS448, method 17 as follows:
Test condition:
Each switch contact shall be tested using a 5.0 ±0.5 V dc, 10 ±1 mA resistive load. During each
closure of the contacts, the voltage drop across the switch terminals shall be monitored for a duration of
no less than 50 percent of each contact static closure. The switch contacts need not be monitored until
10 milliseconds after the initial contact closure to exclude any contact bounce. During each opening of
the contacts, the voltage drop across the switch terminals shall be monitored for a duration of no less
than 50 percent of each contact opening.
A voltage of 2.1 volts or greater across the switch terminals shall constitute a contact "miss"
(failure to properly close the circuit). A voltage drop of less than 90 percent of the open-circuit voltage
shall constitute a contact "stick" (failure to properly open the circuit).
The monitoring device shall either record the number of contact closures at which "sticks" and/or
"misses" occur, or discontinue the test when "sticks" and/or "misses" occur.