3.25 Salt spray (corrosion). When switches are tested as specified in 4.6.20, switches shall show no evidence of
destructive corrosion. After the test, any mounting hardware (if applicable) shall be readily removable. NOTE:
Destructive corrosion shall be construed as being any type of corrosion which in any way interferes with the
mechanical or electrical performance, or in the case of plated metals, corrosion which has passed through the plating
and attacked the base metal.
3.26 Sand and dust (when specified, see 3.1). When switches are tested as specified in 4.6.21, the subsequent
operating characteristics shall be as specified (see 3.1), and they shall be mechanically and electrically operative at
the conclusion of the test.
3.27 Explosion (when specified, see 3.1). When switches are tested as specified in 4.6.22, there shall be no
explosion within the test chamber, whether or not explosion occurs within the switch, and the switches shall be
electrically and mechanically operative after the test.
3.28 Marking. Switches shall be marked in accordance with MIL-STD-1285, with the military part number or the
manufacturer's part number when specified (see 6.2.2), date code, and the manufacturer's trademark or cage code.
For polarized switches, the plus terminal shall be marked with a + sign.
3.28.1 Part or Identifying Number (PIN). The term Part or Identifying Number (PIN) is equivalent to the term part
number which was previously used in this specification. The performance PIN (when applicable) shall consist of the
'M' prefix followed by the applicable specification sheet number, a dash (-), and one of the following (see 3.1):
a. Sequentially assigned number (i.e., -001, -01) - Examples: M24236/1-001; M24236/14-01.
b. Letter codes assigned to indicate applicable design features (i.e., configuration, contact action, high
operating temperature, low operating temperature, probe length, etc.)
Examples: M24236/1-AGFEH; M24236/11-AACD; M24236/13-AHC; M24236/24-AGFEH.
M24236/24 -
`M' prefix and specification
sheet number
Configuration (see figure or drawing
in specification sheet
High - temperature setting
Low - temperature setting
3.29 Recycled, recovered, or environmentally preferable materials. Recycled, recovered, or environmentally
preferable materials should be used to the maximum extent possible provided that the material meets or exceeds the
operational and maintenance requirements, and promotes economically advantageous life cycle costs.
3.30 Low level (when specified, see 3.1 and 6.2.2). When switches are tested as specified in 4.6.23, there shall be
no failures. A failure shall be a contact resistance exceeding 100 milliohms either during or after the test. The
allowable temperature tolerance during and after testing shall be the initial temperature tolerance and an additional +5
degrees F.
3.31 Minimum current (intermediate current) (when specified, see 3.1 and 6.2.2). When switches are tested as
specified in 4.6.24, there shall be no failures. A failure is defined as a cycle of operation during which any switch
circuit under test fails to close or open in proper sequence as detected by the relay and monitoring device. The
allowable temperature tolerance during and after testing shall be the initial temperature tolerance and an additional +5
degrees F.
3.32 Resistance to solvents. When switches are tested as specified in 4.6.25, the markings shall be legible.
3.33 Workmanship. Switches shall be processed in such a manner as to be uniform in quality and shall be free from
cracked or displaced parts, sharp edges, burrs, and other defects which will affect life, serviceability, or appearance.
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